“The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.”
~ Robert Frost
Aging is a privilege.
Healthy aging is a choice.
Meet your journey with confidence.

Loneliness, grief, and depression are common when challenges arise. A sense of isolation often adds feelings of stress and anxiety. Talking with a mental health professional supports you to move forward with new insight and guidance. My sessions with clients take place in office or via telehealth, and are covered by Medicare as well as supplemental insurances.
When meeting in person is not possible, we can connect virtually via a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform online. Counseling sessions are covered by Medicare and most supplemental insurances. I am also registered as an out-of-state telehealth provider for the state of Florida https://flhealthsource.gov/telehealth/
Dementia Support
Whether you or someone you love is experiencing cognitive impairment, coping mechanisms are critical for maximizing connection and minimizing stress. Learn effective strategies to support quality of life while living with a diagnosis impacting cognitive functioning.
Caregiver Support
As the healthy care partner in a relationship, feelings of aloneness are common. Adult children and spouses often experience fatigue and burnout as they manage multiple personal and professional commitments. Being able to process feelings either individually or within a group setting offers invaluable support.
Grief & Loss
As a Certified Grief Counseling Specialist, my intention is to offer a safe space for clients to process life transitions with as much ease and grace as possible. Anticipatory grief, ambiguous grief, and complicated grief reflect a few of the most common experiences of loss.
I help clients gain confidence and make informed decisions about how to best meet the challenges associated with a diagnosis. Knowing what questions to ask and connecting to trusted providers is key when faced with situations requiring care for a loved one. A consultation identifies scope of needs, goals & objectives, as well as proper resource linkage. Options for home care, placement, and palliative/hospice care reflect common discussion points.